How can family-friendly policies benefit your company?

Enterprises around the world are constantly plagued by the problem of talent acquisition, and thus HRs have applied different strategies, such as offering perks and posting advertisements on social media to attract top candidates. While there are no “best practices” in retaining and hiring talent, family-friendly policies are now one of the most popular tactics …

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Advantages to outsourcing employee benefits management for your company

Outsourcing isn’t the taboo subject it once was. There are, understandably, people who will think of redundancies and work moving offshore but for many modern businesses constantly searching for flexibility and cost efficiencies, shifting duties to third parties can be a smart way to reduce your company’s investment in an area while boosting its effectiveness.  …

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The Complete Guide to Flexible Benefits

Student loan benefits for baby boomers? Retirement planning for gen Z’ers? Parental leave for the millennial that’s decided never to have kids? These are the dilemmas that many employers are now facing. Given the rise of a multi-generational workforce and increasing diversity in the workplace, it seems almost impossible to please everybody with standard, one-size-fits-all …

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