Why choose Pacific Prime
Plan comparisons
Don’t settle for less. We help you find the best plan for your needs by comparing 57,896+ plan options from 60+ insurers using our proprietary quotation tool.
Trusted experts
Got insurance questions? We’ve got you covered with over 20+ years of experience helping individuals and corporations globally.
Complimentary services
Enjoy value-added services. Lifelong renewal support and your very own claims team are just a few of our many obligation-free services.
What people say about us
Our global operations
Our 1000+ staff are ready to support your insurance journey from 15 locations around the world, including Singapore, Dubai, Thailand, the UK, China, and many more.
As an expat, I found Pacific Prime’s help to be very valuable!
Their service is free of charge. If you choose a health insurer through Pacific Prime, they will handle all your claims, answer your questions, and communicate on your behalf with the insurer.
Don’t hesitate, it is really worth it!
- Avi
From the moment we engaged Hanessa’s services, it was evident that she was not just doing a job, but going above and beyond to ensure our satisfaction. Her expertise and commitment shone through in every interaction we had, and it made the entire experience a positive one.
- Michael and Anette
Aleshka provided a level of professionalism and personalized care that left me truly impressed.
Her constant communication throughout the process made me feel reassured.
It’s not everyday you come across such exceptional attention.
- Rossana
I had the pleasure of working with Ahmed. His commitment to clear communication and dedication to finding the right solution was outstanding.
He made the entire process hassle-free, and his expertise in the Dubai insurance market was evident.
- Dr. Joyce
I was losing hope that I’d ever be able to find a health insurance policy that would meet my needs at an affordable rate.
Hanessa and her team helped me quickly explore options. I ended up signing up for a policy for myself and my infant son through them. Even after this, they were very hands on in providing me with all the information and claims support I need.
I highly recommend their services to anyone
- Gurel