Category Archive For "Group Insurance"
Corporate wellbeing trends and opportunities seminar
Pacific Prime and Bupa Global have teamed up to host a seminar on corporate wellbeing trends and opportunities at the China Club in Hong Kong, which was held on the 26th of September 2019. The seminar centered around the latest employee benefits trends and programs. We were also joined by the City Mental Health Alliance’s …
Back to school safety and insurance tips
September is an exciting time of year for students to head back to school. As school administrators, however, it also means that it’s high time you should review your students’ safety, as well as the risk management strategy of your educational institution since changes year to year could lead to adjustments in your insurance needs. …
Climate change effects that your business should prepare for
Climate change effects businesses in many ways; from physical damage due to strong winds, flood or fire to business interruption and employee liability costs. In light of the recent California wildfires, as well as the large hurricanes seen globally in 2018, climate-related insurance claims have gone up not only for the individual policyholders, but also …
How is technology changing employee benefits?
Technological trends are influencing the ways in which employees view and consume employee benefits packages. For instance, they can now track their benefits and stay up to date with all the latest health and employee benefits news with just a few clicks of the mouse. Thanks to the latest tech, educating and informing employees about …
What is an employee benefits market review?
Nowadays, it’s not just a salary that keeps your employees loyal and happy. Other employee benefits such as company medical plans, flexible working hours, and paid time off are now as important, if not more so than pay. HR teams are thus facing a number of new challenges, chief among them being identifying the right …
Challenges for Businesses Implementing Group Health Insurance Plans in 2018
We’re still at the start of 2018, but if this coming year is anything like the past couple of years, it’s going to be a big one for small business. For example, the number of new job seekers taking it upon themselves to start their own business at the end of 2016 was the highest …
Unifying international employee benefits: how using a broker makes better sense
A challenge facing many businesses with multiple global operations is managing the benefits of their staff. In an age where salaries alone are no longer sufficient to attract the high calibre talent companies look for to drive their success further, juggling international employee benefits can be a tough task. Still, the lure of emerging markets …
Health insurance coverage and employee health outcomes
We often hear people in the healthcare sector talk about ‘health outcomes’, but what does it really mean? According to World Health Organization, an outcome is “a change in the health status of an individual, group or population which is attributable to a planned intervention or series of interventions, regardless of whether such an intervention …
Managing risks involved with overseas-based staff
For Human Resources staff, ensuring the safety of your workers heading abroad on overseas assignments means assessing and mitigating the potential risks involved. When it comes to managing risks, securing appropriate insurance can go a long way. Often the things that we perceive as being major threats are the last things that will go wrong; …
What your company can do to tackle health insurance fraud
Health insurance fraud is a serious problem for insurance providers and the greater health industry in general, amounting to “tens of billions of dollars” in losses every year. As discussed in our recently released Cost of International Health Insurance – 2017 report, healthcare fraud plays a significant role in driving up the cost of healthcare, …