Category Archive For "Group Insurance"
All You Need to Know About Group Health Insurance for Your Business
A group health insurance plan offers coverage to employees of a company and is much cheaper compared to individual health insurance. However small businesses tend to shy away from offering such plans due to lack of understanding of resources. In today’s blog post, we will be going over group health insurance for small businesses and …
Layoff insurance: What you need to know
Mass layoffs are happening on a global scale, with Big Tech companies like Meta and Twitter making headlines for letting go of employees. Unexpectedly losing your job can be an incredibly stressful experience. Not only do you lose your source of income, but also the benefits of employment. If you are laid off, your group …
Workplace changes in 2022: Benefits and issues
Workplaces around the globe have changed significantly since 2020. While the COVID-19 pandemic still affects everyday life in 2022, most businesses have adopted various solutions, including working from home arrangements, flexible working, and/or a hybrid work strategy to support their employees. But amid the solutions that benefit employees, business leaders and HR professionals will need …
Carl Jung’s archetypes and how they show up in the workplace
How much time do you spend at work? On average, most workers spend 2,080 hours at work per year, and 90,000 hours at work over a lifetime. Consider the number of interactions you’ll have with your employers, coworkers, clients, and partners over the timespan. When work makes up for one-third of your life, it’s easy …
What is your love language at work?
Do you feel like your supervisor appreciates you? What about your coworkers? It’s no secret that employees who feel appreciated perform better. However, expressing appreciation isn’t always that straightforward. Appreciation has to be conveyed in a way that the person it’s being directed to finds meaningful. While many people are familiar with The Five Love …
Corporate wellbeing trends and opportunities seminar
Pacific Prime and Bupa Global have teamed up to host a seminar on corporate wellbeing trends and opportunities at the China Club in Hong Kong, which was held on the 26th of September 2019. The seminar centered around the latest employee benefits trends and programs. We were also joined by the City Mental Health Alliance’s …
Back to school safety and insurance tips
September is an exciting time of year for students to head back to school. As school administrators, however, it also means that it’s high time you should review your students’ safety, as well as the risk management strategy of your educational institution since changes year to year could lead to adjustments in your insurance needs. …
How to keep your employees happy
Happiness is essential in the workplace, as it is the root of employees’ performance or underperformance. According to Michael C. Bush, the CEO of Great Place to Work, 40% of the world’s workforce are unhappy with their job, which accounts for almost 2 billion people. That is a daunting number, especially when considering that unhappy …
How artificial intelligence can affect employee engagement
Engaged employees are ready to do everything in their power to provide clients with positive experiences. Their productivity and morale are high, and they perform all the work in accordance with the company’s best interests. Moreover, engaged employees are not interested in changing jobs, even when they are bombarded with recruiter’s calls, because they see …
Climate change effects that your business should prepare for
Climate change effects businesses in many ways; from physical damage due to strong winds, flood or fire to business interruption and employee liability costs. In light of the recent California wildfires, as well as the large hurricanes seen globally in 2018, climate-related insurance claims have gone up not only for the individual policyholders, but also …