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Universal Health Insurance Coverage In Thailand

The people of Thailand and expats working legally have access to universal health insurance coverage funded by general taxes or social security programs. This insurance covers most services at public hospitals and clinics. Expats must have a social security card in Thailand to be eligible.

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Are you hoping to move to Thailand? Or would you like to receive affordable medical care in Thailand? 

Whether you’re an expat or a medical tourist, we’ll explain who is covered by Thailand’s universal health insurance and what is covered. We’ll also explore other ways to find health insurance coverage if you are ineligible or want more extensive coverage.

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Thailand’s Universal Health Insurance Coverage Benefits

Thailand’s universal health care has significantly improved access to health care for the people of Thailand. Those experiencing the greatest poverty have seen the most benefit, but the execution and development of the program have earned international recognition from the World Health Organization.

Due to Thailand’s Universal Health Insurance effectiveness, there is a low level of unmet healthcare needs in Thailand, even among low-income patients. 

Yan Nawa, Sathon, Bangkok: Universal Health Insurance Hub

Some of the reasons that Thailand’s Healthcare has been so successful, especially for a developing nation:

  • Coverage is geographically extensively available even in rural areas
  • Medical services are free at the point of service
  • The Ministry of Public Health has increased its capacity

Universal Health Insurance Programs In Thailand

Since 2002, Thailand has provided universal health insurance coverage using three programs: the Universal Coverage Scheme, the Civil Servant Medical Benefit Scheme, the Worker Compensation Scheme, and the Social Security Scheme. Expats are eligible for coverage through the Social Security Scheme.

The benefits vary a little from program to program but cover similar medical expenses. See who is covered with each type of insurance:

Universal Coverage Scheme In Thailand

The Universal Coverage Scheme in Thailand offers health insurance to a majority of the population in Thailand. Services covered include emergency medical services, high-cost medical treatment, rehabilitation services, and general medical care. Public hospitals and clinics provide services.

General taxes pay for funding for the Universal Coverage Scheme in Thailand. 

Civil Servant Medical Benefit Scheme In Thailand

The Civil Servant Medical Benefit Scheme in Thailand serves government employees and their dependents. Dependents may include a spouse, up to two children, and parents. Benefits are considered to be better than those offered through the Universal Coverage Scheme.

General taxes also pay for funding for the Civil Servant Medical Benefit Scheme in Thailand.

Social Security Scheme

Legally working expats and private-sector employees would receive medical benefits in Thailand through the Social Security Scheme. This medical care is covered by a payroll tax, and the cost is shared equally between the employee, employer, and government of Thailand. 

Coverage For Expats With Thailand’s Social Security Scheme

Expats with a Social Security Card in Thailand can receive medical care at public hospitals and clinics. This medical coverage will pay for both inpatient and outpatient services. Expats should be aware of the pitfalls of relying solely on the Social Security Scheme for coverage.

Coverage for the following services is offered at public hospitals and clinics through the Social Security Scheme:

  • Inpatient services
  • Outpatient services
  • High-cost care
  • Emergency care

In the public health sector of Thailand, here are concerns expats should be aware of:

  • Fewer doctors speak English in the public health sector than at private international hospitals, so you may encounter language barriers.
  • While the care offered is still of quality, equipment may be outdated.
  • There may be longer wait times for medical care.

What’s Not Covered For Expats In Thailand With A Social Security Card

The Social Security Scheme (SSS) only covers the employee and not the dependents. There is no coverage for private or international hospitals with the SSS. Preventative and health promotion care is not covered through the SSS either.

Health Insurance Options For Expat Dependents In Thailand

Dependents of expats in Thailand will need to have international health insurance in Thailand. Expats may also opt for private health insurance to access Thailand’s world-famous affordable yet high-quality care in private hospitals.

Even though healthcare only costs one-fifth of what it would in the United States or Europe, medical bills can quickly add up. Finding the right insurance plan for you in Thailand will make outstanding medical care in Thailand even more affordable.

Viking Cave, Krabi: Universal Health Insurance In Thailand

If you are ready to secure a private insurance plan in Thailand for yourself or your family, you can compare free quotes from multiple insurers at Pacific Prime.

If you have questions about insuring expats or dependents, feel free to contact an insurance expert at Pacific Prime for more information about private international health insurance.

For American expats, you may find additional information in our article specifically about Health Insurance for Americans in Thailand.

For expats from anywhere in the world, check out the information in our article about Health Insurance in Thailand for Expats.

Health Insurance Options For Medical Tourists In Thailand

Medical Tourists in Thailand may be drawn by the fact that medical procedures are so much more affordable at Thailand’s private hospitals. Medical Tourists are not covered by Thailand’s universal health insurance coverage programs, nor are private hospitals covered. You’ll need private insurance.

To find out how much private insurance would cost for a medical tourist, you can compare free quotes from multiple insurance companies through Pacific Prime.

If you would like to speak to an insurance expert to find the perfect plan for you and your medical tourism journey, you can contact Pacific Prime for assistance. 

Who Can Use Thailand’s Public Hospitals?

Anyone can receive care in one of Thailand’s hospitals. Anyone that is not covered by one of Thailand’s universal health insurance coverage programs will receive a bill for services. Foreigners in Thailand are often charged more for services than residents would be charged.

Thailand’s Private Hospitals Vs. Public Hospitals

Even though universal health insurance programs in Thailand don’t cover private hospitals, care in private hospitals is still considered affordable. These hospitals are well-equipped to treat medical tourists and expats alike in Thailand.

Benefits of using a private hospital in Thailand include:

  • The latest medical facilities and equipment
  • Shorter wait times for treatment
  • Doctors are often fluent in multiple languages
  • Doctors are still very well-trained in the most current treatment and procedures

Thailand’s medical services are still less expensive than in Europe or the United States of America. Patients from the US may see 50% to 70% in savings.

Examples Include:

  • An MRI in the USA costs $2611, but only $190 in Thailand.
  • Lasik vision surgery is half the cost of what it would be in the US.
  • Hip replacements in Thailand may only cost $13,000, but they would cost $33,000 in the United States.
  • Knee replacement surgery in Thailand can cost as little as $11,500 compared to $30,000 in the USA.
  • Heart valve replacements with bypass surgery are a third of the cost in Thailand versus a whopping $75,000 in the USA.

Despite the lower cost, Thailand still offers high-quality medical care and is one of the most competitive destinations for medical tourism.

For more information on the best private hospitals in Thailand, see our picks for the Best Hospitals in Thailand.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Thailand have universal healthcare coverage?

Thailand has offered universal health coverage for its citizens and legally working expats since 2002. The coverage is for services at public hospitals and clinics, and care is free at the point of service.

What is the universal health insurance program in Thailand?

Most citizens of Thailand receive medical coverage through Universal Health Coverage, but government workers and employees in the private sector use other similar programs to receive medical care at public hospitals and clinics that are free at the point of service.

Do foreigners get universal healthcare in Thailand?

Foreigners who are vacationing in Thailand do not receive healthcare benefits. Only legally working expats with social security cards issued by the government in Thailand receive universal healthcare benefits.

Can foreigners buy their own insurance in Thailand?

Foreigners who are visiting or living in Thailand may purchase international health insurance plans that offer coverage in Thailand. Working with an insurance broker like Pacific Prime allows expats and tourists to compare multiple plans and quotes at once. 

Are medical services free in Thailand?

Thailand citizens and legally working expats who qualify for a social security card in Thailand enjoy medical services that are free at the point of care. The health coverage is paid for by general taxes or payroll taxes depending on the insurance scheme one qualifies for in Thailand.

How much does health insurance cost for expats in Thailand?

Legally working expats will pay a 1.5% payroll tax to help cover universal health insurance benefits for themselves. For private plans for the expat or dependents, the cost will depend on benefits and length of coverage. Getting a quote is the best way to determine the cost of a private plan.

Will my US Medicare cover me in Thailand?

USA Medicare only covers medical expenses within the United States and its territories. Medicare will not cover any medical expenses in Thailand.


Thailand has esteemable universal health insurance coverage for its citizens and for legally working expats. While the medical care offered in public hospitals may have some pitfalls, it’s also high-quality care.

For expats’ dependents and tourists to Thailand who are ineligible for universal health insurance coverage or for interested expats, there are also private insurance plans.

For additional information about international health insurance, whether it’s for vacations or moving to Thailand, you can contact an expert at Pacific Prime, or you may enjoy our article about International Health Insurance in Thailand.

If you’re still in the dreaming or planning phase of your adventure abroad, read up on the Best Places for Expats to Live in Thailand.

Head of Content at Pacific Prime
Serena Fung is the Head of Content at Pacific Prime, a global insurance brokerage and employee specialist serving over 1.5 million clients in 15 offices across the world. With 6+ years of experience writing about the subject, she aims to demystify the world of insurance for readers with the latest updates, guides and articles on the blog.

Serena earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from the University of British Columbia, Canada. As such, she is an avid advocate of mental health and is fascinated by all things psychology (especially if it’s cognitive psychology!).

Her previous work experience includes teaching toddlers to read, writing for a travel/wellness online magazine, and then a business news blog. These combined experiences give her the skills and insights she needs to explain complex ideas in a succinct way. Being the daughter of an immigrant and a traveler herself, she is passionate about educating expats and digital nomads on travel and international health insurance.
Serena Fung