Download Your Guide to Obtaining Long Term Health Insurance

In most cases, the cheapest health insurance plan is likely not indicative of the best overall benefits, or the most stable premium increases. We therefore strongly advise buying health coverage with the view of keeping it in a cost-effective way for a long period of time. Download your free copy of our guide today to unlock a wealth of expertise and advice on finding the best long term health insurance solution.

Download Your Guide to Obtaining Long Term Health Insurance

Learn how to identify the best long term health insurance

Changing insurers and plans frequently - e.g. once every few years - will in most cases lead to higher long term costs for you as a policyholder. For in-depth advice on how to ensure you have the most cost-effective healthcare coverage now and in the future, get a free copy of Your Guide to Obtaining Long Term Health Insurance today.

Get the Guide

A wealth of health insurance advice at your fingertips

To help you select and obtain the best long term health insurance, our guide addresses the most important tangible and intangible elements to consider when shopping for coverage. We achieve this by answering some of the most commonly-asked questions about securing and maintaining health insurance:

  • What should I be aware of when selecting and purchasing health insurance?
  • How do I find out about an insurer’s history of premium increases?
  • Why is it important to purchase health insurance with the view of maintaining it for the long term?
  • What are the main benefits of securing long term health insurance?
  • And many more

Download the Guide

Find out how to select the best long term health insurance

Divulging in-depth health insurance advice from our team of veteran insurance specialists,
this free guide is divided into four easy-to-read sections:

    1. What is long term health insurance?
    2. Five reasons why you should consider health insurance for the long term
    3. Ten ways to identify quality long term plans
    4. How Pacific Prime can help

Find out more about Pacific Prime

Established in Hong Kong in 2000, Pacific Prime has grown from its humble beginnings to become the world’s international health insurance broker of choice. Visit our website, or check out our regularly updated blog to brush up your insurance knowledge:

Get a copy of Your Guide to Long Term Health Insurance today

Get a complimentary copy of Your Guide to Obtaining Long Term Health Insurance today.

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