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Do you offer maternity health insurance


Dear Sir/Madame, I would like to enquire about a number of materinity insurance options. 1) What kind of insurance and premiums one would be eligable for if they were already pregnant and wanted to be covered for private hospital care at birth as well as private doctors visits in the lead up to, inclusive of mediactions and tests etc... 2) What kind of insurance plans and premiums are available for planning in advance of getting pregnant, also for private care throughout the process. How long in advance would we have to start making payments before falling pregnant? Many thanks in advance for your help. Regards, Francesca

Pacific Prime can provide expatriates around the world with comprehensive maternity health insurance options. Maternity health insurance plans which we work with are typically guaranteed renewable for life, globally portable, and will allow for worldwide coverage; enabling you to receive medical treatment with the doctor or hospital of your choice, anywhere in the world.

An international health insurance plan with a Maternity benefit will provide in-depth coverage for pregnancy and maternity related treatments at private healthcare facilities. Maternity coverage options which we recommend will typically provide coverage for:

·Pre Natal treatments and Examinations

·Costs associated with a routine delivery

·Costs associated with a medically prescribed Caesarean Section

·Costs associated with a delivery which has experienced complications

·Home delivery or Hospital delivery costs

·Post Natal treatments and Examinations

However, it is important to note that Maternity health insurance options we work with will normally be attached to a waiting period. This means that you must have been enrolled on the policy for a certain amount of time before being able to make a claim.

Typically, waiting periods associated with a maternity benefit will normally be around 10 months from the start of the plan.

This means that for most international health insurance policies you will have to be enrolled in a policy for at least 10 months before being able to receive coverage. Maternity treatment which was received prior to the completion of the waiting period will not be covered under the policy.

Considering the above, it is important that anyone considering starting a family should purchase their health insurance coverage well in advance of conception in order to ensure that the delivery will be covered under the policy.

Premiums for international health insurance plans offered by pacific prime will normally be calculated based on the following factors:

·The ages of the persons to be covered under the plan

·The plan’s geographical area of coverage

·The coverage benefits to be included in the policy

As such, in order for Pacific Prime to provide you with a maternity health insurance quote we will need you to supply the requisite information; if you would like to obtain a free quote comparison now, simply complete the short form at the top of this page.

The reason that the plan’s geographical area of coverage is so important when calculating the plan premium is due to the fact that medical costs will differ from country to country. This is why many plans will give you the option of where you would like to be covered under the policy. Typically, one of the main choices in this regard is between a plan which will provide worldwide coverage, or one that offers worldwide coverage excluding the USA.

This is due to the fact that the USA has the highest average medical costs in the world, and by choosing not to receive treatment in America you can often receive a substantial premium saving.

Another area in which you can reduce your overall policy premium is through the use of a deductible, or excess in the plan. A deductible is the amount which you will contribute to the cost of your care, with the insurance company covering the remaining fees. If you choose to include a deductible on your maternity health insurance plan you will typically see a reduced overall plan premium. For more about deductibles, please click here.

For more information about the extensive range of maternity health insurance plans available from Pacific Prime please contact us. Alternatively, you can receive a free maternity medical insurance quote by completing the short form at the top of this page.


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