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Madagascar Health Insurance

Medical insurance for those living or working in Madagascar. Customized Madagascar health insurance plans and quotes available.

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This short guide provides information about healthcare and health insurance in Madagascar for those planning to move or travel to Madagascar. Read on to learn more, or click below to obtain a no-obligation, free quote.

Recommended International Health Insurance Plans for Expatriates Living in Madagascar

  • Worldwide Coverage (excluding the US)
  • Access to Cigna’s trusted network of hospitals and doctors
  • Numerous Deductible Options
  • 24/7 Customer Support
  • 4 Core Insurance Plans
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  • World-leading Health Insurance Provider for Expats
  • Extensive Network With Over 1.9 Million Medical Providers
  • Quick and Efficient Claims Process
  • Maximum Plan benefit up to USD $5,000,000
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Madagascar healthcare system

Madagascar's healthcare system comprises of western and traditional medicine practices. Traditional medicine is available throughout the country and practiced largely in rural provinces. Traditional medicine in Madagascar uses plant-based products for medicinal purposes, for example, the Raraha plant is used for its anesthetic qualities. 

Western medicine is available through public and private facilities. General hospitals are confined to the capital city Antananarivo. Other urban areas across Madagascar have hospitals, but rural areas largely lack any presence of medical facilities. Hence why traditional medicine is largely practiced. 

The public health sector in Madagascar

Public hospitals in Madagascar are largely underfunded, resulting in shortages of modern medical equipment, medical supplies, and healthcare staff. Regional hospitals are located in urban areas of Madagascar, offering emergency, general surgery, maternity, and specialized services. 

District hospitals provide primary health care, diagnostic and non-specialized service. Basic Health Centres (BHC) provide basic health prevention services and prenatal care. Basic health centers are located throughout Madagascar, including smaller provinces in the country.

The largest public hospitals in Madagascar are the Befelatanana Hospital and the Fort Dauphin Hospital, both located in the capital of Antananarivo. Other large regional hospitals include the Centre Hospitalier Regional in Toliara, Hopitaly Loterana Manambara in Tolagnaro, and the Hospital Loterana Antanimalandy in Mahajanga.

The private sector in Madagascar

The private sector is funded mainly through the Malagasy Lutheran Church, as well as international bodies. Without a doubt, the best hospitals and health care services in Madagascar are provided by the private sector. There is increased funding, modern medical equipment, and plenty of healthcare staff available. The hygiene standards are also significantly higher in private healthcare facilities. Private, well-equipped clinics in Madagascar include the Clinique des Soeurs Franciscaines, Espace Medical, and the Institut Pasteur, all of which are located in Antananarivo.

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Madagascar’s communicable diseases

Communicable diseases are highly prevalent in Madagascar, including cholera, malaria, dengue, chikungunya fever, pneumonia, schistosomiasis (bilharzia), leprosy, rift valley fever, meningitis, and syphilis. HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis are prevalent in Madagascar but are relatively low in comparison to countries within the African continent. Immediate medical attention is required to treat these potentially life-threatening illnesses.

Vaccinations and medication

Prior to departing for Madagascar, it is highly recommended that all travelers, or long-term visitors, consult a medical professional who specializes in travel medicine. There are a number of routine vaccinations which should be up to date before arriving in the country, including:

Consider emergency evacuation cover

In the event of a serious illness or accident, emergency evacuation to a hospital overseas, such as La Reunion Island or South Africa, will be required to receive an adequate level of medical care. Air transportation, as well as medical services, are highly expensive in these locations. As such, expats are highly recommended to obtain an international health insurance policy, that includes emergency evacuation and repatriation and worldwide medical coverage.

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How to secure the best private health insurance in Madagascar

It can be a challenging task to find the best private health insurance policy in Madagascar. One of the best decisions expats or travelers can make is to consult an experienced insurance broker, like Pacific Prime.

Recommended International Health Insurance Plans for Expatriates Living in Madagascar

  • Worldwide Coverage (excluding the US)
  • Access to Cigna’s trusted network of hospitals and doctors
  • Numerous Deductible Options
  • 24/7 Customer Support
  • 4 Core Insurance Plans
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  • World-leading Health Insurance Provider for Expats
  • Extensive Network With Over 1.9 Million Medical Providers
  • Quick and Efficient Claims Process
  • Maximum Plan benefit up to USD $5,000,000
Plan Details

With two decades of experience matching expats with the most optimal health insurance solutions on the market, Pacific Prime leverages its close partnerships with all major insurers and has an extensive portfolio of all the best plans. In addition to having the best health insurance policies, Pacific Prime also offers unparalleled service and outstanding claims support. 

Contact Pacific Prime today to secure the best insurance solution with the help of consultants that provide impartial advice and support.

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