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International Health Insurance for Expats in The Gambia
The key to peace of mind for expats living abroad is international health insurance. From covering basic medical bills to medical evacuation and beyond, a suitable international health insurance plan will not only ensure maximum safety and wellbeing for you, but also your family.
This guide by Pacific Prime will discuss health insurance options in the Gambia for expats, as well as the country’s healthcare system as well as general safety and wellbeing tips.
Recommended International Health Insurance Plans for Expatriates Living in The Gambia
The Healthcare System in The Gambia
The Gambia’s healthcare system consists of both the public healthcare system and its private healthcare alternative, the former of which is built on three levels of medical care and allows access to medical care but at the cost of potentially long waiting times or language barriers.
Meanwhile, its private healthcare counterpart allows access to greater quality care with multilingual medical staff. Below we will discuss the public and private healthcare system in the Gambia.
Public Hospitals in The Gambia
Gambia’s public healthcare system consists of three levels, namely primary, secondary, and tertiary. Below are descriptions of each main level of the Gambia’s healthcare:
- Primary: The primary level of healthcare in the Gambia focuses on villages with a population of over 400 people.
- Secondary: The Gambia’s secondary level of healthcare is provided by large and small health centers.
- Tertiary: The Gambia’s tertiary healthcare level is provided by the Medical Research Council (MRC), various private clinics, and NGO (Non-Governmental Organization)-operated clinics.
Public hospitals in the Gambia will allow access to basic medical care but at the cost of either long waiting times delaying treatment, difficulties communicating with medical staff in certain hospitals in French, or both. Listed below is an example of a notable public hospital in the Gambia.
- Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital: Formerly known as the “Royal Victoria Teaching Hospital” until 2013, this tertiary referral hospital in Banjul features numerous departments of medical care such as cardiology, pediatrics, radiology, surgery, and more.
Due to the potential shortcomings mentioned above, private healthcare is generally preferred among expats, which brings us to our next point.
Private Hospitals in The Gambia
Private hospitals in the Gambia make up for the potential shortcomings of their public counterpart such as potentially long waiting times and language barriers.
While the language barrier might not be as big of an issue as in other countries due to the Gambia’s spoken language being English and French, expats do generally prefer accessing private hospitals in the Gambia not only due to multilingual staff but also for shorter waiting times and better amenities.
Below are some prominent private hospitals in the Gambia:
- Africmed International Hospital: Committed to providing the best quality healthcare in the Gambia for expats and local citizens, this hospital features various areas of medical services such as dental care, cardiology, radiology, pediatric care, nephrology, and more.
- Bafrow Medical Center: This West African College of Physicians-accredited national hospital features various areas of medical services including health education & counseling, maternity care, surgery, pharmacy, screening & imaging, and more.
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Health Insurance Options for Expats in The Gambia
The Gambia’s public health insurance scheme for expats is mandatory and will provide access to affordable, quality healthcare for citizens and expats alike. For expats in particular, private health insurance is generally a preferred alternative due to increased access and personalization.
Below we will discuss the public and private health insurance schemes for expats in the Gambia.
Public Health Insurance for Expats in The Gambia
The Gambia’s public health insurance scheme is the country’s mandatory National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS). Established back in 2021, this public health insurance scheme pays for both local citizens’ and expats’ medical expenses.
You can register for the Gambia’s NHIS scheme online through the electronic Civil Registry and Vital Statistics (eCRVS) where you must then fill out all the required information accordingly.
Below are the benefits and drawbacks of the Gambia’s public health insurance scheme:
- Access to Medical Care: The public health insurance scheme will allow both expats and local citizens to gain access to affordable, quality medical care in the Gambia.
- Convenient Registration: You can conveniently register online without having to go to any nearby office, which is great news for expats living in more rural areas where it’s further away from the city.
- Semi-Language Barrier: Because the spoken language in the Gambia is French and English, the language barrier may not be as big of an issue here as it is in other countries. However, it could be problematic if let’s say you happen to go to a hospital with non-bilingual French-speaking medical staff.
- Potentially Long Waiting Times: Depending on which hospital you go to, certain public hospitals in the Gambia may be excessively crowded, resulting in longer waiting times, which then delays your treatment and could be problematic for more serious emergency patients.
Private Health Insurance for Expats in The Gambia
Generally preferred among expats, private health insurance offers greater access to hospitals that offer shorter waiting times and more multilingual medical staff. Both these benefits alone make it much easier for expats in particular to access medical treatment in the Gambia.
Below are notable advantages of private health insurance for expats in the Gambia:
- Free Selection: Private health insurance allows expats to freely choose any particular doctor and hospital they would like. This may include hospitals that are known to have shorter waiting times, multilingual staff, or both, which brings us to our next point.
- Shorter Waiting Times: Private health insurance allows expats to choose specific hospitals they’d like, which could also include those with shorter waiting times. This makes it quicker and easier for expats to get the treatment they need regardless of whether or not their medical case is serious.
- No Language Barrier: Additionally, expats can also access hospitals with multilingual staff through private health insurance. So, even if the expat doesn’t speak French, they will still be able to access quality medical care while simultaneously communicating with medical staff with ease.
- Additional Benefits: Expats also have the option to add benefits of choice such as dental, vision, or maternity coverage on top of their default plans. This will especially be useful for expats and families to ensure every family member has access to quality medical care.
As the aforementioned limitations of public facilities in The Gambia can prove problematic for expats seeking healthcare, an international health insurance plan is strongly recommended. Assuming you live in an area where hospitals aren’t accessible, this is where medical evacuation comes in.
If your plan covers medical evacuation, you can then request for a transportation to get you to a better hospital overseas without needing to pay out of pocket, allowing you to access the right form of treatment you need.
Recommended International Health Insurance Plans for Expats in the Gambia
Some notable international health insurance providers we recommend for expats in the Gambia include April International, Geoblue, and more. Below we have a quick description of each insurer and a rundown of their benefits.
April International
April International offers health insurance uniquely tailored to expats, featuring plans with hospitalization, outpatient services, dental, and maternity coverage. April International also features user-friendly mobile claims and support, a 24/7 telemedicine service, and a vast direct billing network.
Below are the shared coverage areas across all plans:
Geoblue’s Xplorer health insurance plan, coming inessential and premier variations, is created for expats traveling from the United States for business, studying, or leisure purposes. Expats can also choose between worldwide coverage options with or without the US.
The following are some general features present throughout all of Geoblue’s plans.
AXA Global’s health insurance plans provide different levels of customizable coverage, including emergency care, hospitalization options, outpatient treatments, and medical evacuation. Thanks to its flexibility, AXA’s plans are a favorite among expats.
The following are examples of shared coverage across all of AXA’s health insurance plans:
Factors to Consider When Securing Insurance from The Gambia
Finding health insurance as an expat in the Gambia requires thoughtful consideration of crucial factors such as putting comprehensiveness first, foregoing price-based decisions, and more. Below are the main factors to consider when securing insurance from the Gambia:
- Comprehensiveness Comes First: Decide based on the comprehensiveness of the benefits. For example, if you’re an expat living with your family in the Gambia, it would be better to invest in more comprehensive plans with benefits like maternity or dental and vision coverage.
- Don’t Decide Based on Price: We mentioned comprehensiveness should come first when deciding on a health insurance plan, which also means price-based decisions are strongly not recommended. This is because the most affordable plan might not actually guarantee comprehensive coverage.
- Pre-Existing Conditions: Do keep in mind that some insurers will either deny your health insurance plan application if you have a pre-existing condition at the time of applying or they will accept it with some additional payment. Please contact your selected insurer for details if you’re unsure.
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Health and Safety Tips for Expats in The Gambia
Expats looking to enter The Gambia will need some health preparations such as vaccines as well as awareness on bug bite prevention due to the prevalence of malaria. Some vaccines you’ll want to get beforehand include the Hepatitis vaccines along with rabies and more.
In the sections below, we will be discussing key health and safety tips for expats looking to live in The Gambia.
Vaccinations to Get Before Entering The Gambia
For expats and travelers who are concerned about communicable (infectious) diseases in The Gambia, Pacific Prime has put together a list of vaccinations according to the CDC, to be discussed with doctors before traveling to The Gambia:
- BCG (tuberculosis)
- DTaP/Tdap (diphtheria)
- Hepatitis A
- Hepatitis B
- MMR (measles)
- MPSV4/MCV4/MenB (meningitis)
- DTaP/Tdap (pertussis)
- IPV (polio)
- Rabies
- DTaP/Tdap (tetanus)
- Typhoid
- Varicella
- Yellow fever
Preventing Bug Bites in The Gambia
Malaria from mosquito bites is widespread, and while there is a risk of contracting this disease at all times, this risk increases during the wet and humid conditions between June to October. Those who experience influenza and fever-type symptoms are urged to seek immediate medical attention.
Below are key tips for preventing bug bites:
- Prescribed antimalarials are recommended unless contraindicated.
- Visitors are strongly advised to use insect repellant and to wear trousers and long-sleeved shirts at all times.
- Stay and sleep in air-conditioned or screened rooms.
- Use a bed net if the area where you are sleeping is exposed to the outdoors.
Avoiding Crime in The Gambia
Petty theft is particularly common in tourist attractions and cities, meaning you must strongly exercise caution on your valuables such as jewelry, large sums of cash, or identification documents like passports. Below are areas you will want to be mindful of:
- Isolated beaches
- Market
- Crowded events
- Venues outside tourist areas.
Emergency Numbers in The Gambia
In the event of an emergency in the Gambia, below are key emergency numbers you’ll want to note down so you gain access to the right emergency service in a timely manner.
- Police: 117 (or 112)
- Fire Brigade: 118
- Ambulance: 116
- Electricity Emergency: 124
- Water Emergency: 125
Frequently Asked Questions
How are hospitals in the Gambia?
Gambia has an incredibly limited number of hospitals and the cost of medical evacuation can be incredibly high, both of which can be incredibly problematic for expats' urgent need for healthcare accessibility.
How is Gambia’s sanitation system?
Gambia’s sanitation system is inconsistent, with an alarming 31% of the population having handwashing facilities at the ready in households, leaving the country vulnerable to fecal contamination and waterborne diseases.
What are some vaccines I should get before I head to Gambia?
Before you head to Gambia, some vaccines you’ll want to get beforehand include the Hepatitis vaccines, A and B, Typhoid, Rabies, Yellow Fever, and Tetanus. For added peace of mind, it’s best to discuss with your doctor for vaccine recommendations before you head to Gambia.
As you can see, with tons of health risks like infectious diseases such as malaria or insufficient sanitation in households, we cannot stress enough how international health insurance for expats in the Gambia is strongly recommended.
If you’d like to secure an international health insurance plan, Pacific Prime and our brokers with over 20 years of experience in the health insurance industry will be more than happy to help you ensure maximum coverage not only for yourself but also for your family.
Contact us today or compare quotes using our online quotation system!
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