Education fees are rapidly rising all across the world. Trying to cope with the costs associated with a good education is getting harder and harder and can be a financial struggle. Education planning can help you provide a high quality education for your child and are the most effective way to protect yourself from educational inflation.
Currently it is estimated that providing a first class education for a child until the age of 21 can cost up to US$400,000 and that top tier universities in the USA will cost up to US$40,000 a year. Education plans can help you bear the burden of educational associated expenditures by providing a unit linked investment plan designed to match educational inflation and give you the flexibility to adequately plan for your child's future.
Education savings plans are specifically designed to match the annual 7.5% rate of inflation that is associated with educational costs. Offshore investment plans are extremely reliable and give the policyholder a wide range of options with which they can manage their money. Working with some of the biggest international investment houses mean that the choices are virtually infinite.