Pacific Prime - Global Diversity Scholarships

Pacific Prime believes in supporting and developing the younger generations through education. By offering scholarship programs, students are given the chance to pursue their dreams and receive the education they truly deserve.
2014 Scholarship Winners
Congratulations to our two Global Diversity Scholarship winners. Each winner will be receiving a USD500 grant to help them on their way to achieving their dreams.
The 2014 essay topic that each wrote about is "How is technology affecting our health today?"
We would like to thank all the participants who submitted an essay, there were a lot of really excellent essays, and we had a hard time narrowing it down to only two. Below, you will find a brief bio on each winner and a link to their essay:
About Calvin Li:
(Pictured left accepting his grant)
My name is Calvin Li, and I’m a rising senior at Emory University. I’m double majoring in business and international studies, and this upcoming spring I’ll be studying abroad in Hong Kong. If I were fortunate enough to win the scholarship, I’d apply it towards travel into lesser known regions in China. For so many people, their impression of China is molded by cities such as Beijing, Hong Kong, and Shanghai – there are so many other subcultures in the country that have so much to offer.
About Josh Arrage:
My name is Joshua Alexander Arrage, and I am a rising junior at Clemson University. I am studying Chinese Language and International Health with a minor in Business Administration. If given this grant, I plan to put it towards the financing of my required study abroad trip over the Spring 2015 semester. I am attending the Southwest University of Nationalities in Chengdu, China where I will be taking classes and performing an internship related to Public Health.
Previous Winners
The winners for 2013:
- Neil Gerstein
- Brianna Haro
- Jack Davies
Neil Gerstein is currently a junior at Iowa State University. He is studying global resources systems and economics. In August, he will be doing an internship at Zheijiang University in Hangzhou, and then move to Tsinghua University in Beijing to study there.
“I am incredibly grateful to have received the Pacific Prime Global Diversity Scholarship. This scholarship will help fund my expensive study abroad experience in Beijing, China this fall. I am very excited for my upcoming trip, and am very eager to act as a representative of the United States in China and promote relations and cultural tolerance between the two nations. I believe studying abroad to be an imperative part of any university experience, and I am so grateful that scholarships like this one exist to help students achieve their goals.”
Brianna Haro is currently studying Secondary Education at New Mexico State University. She plans on studying in Japan in the spring semester of 2014.
“Thank you so much for selecting me as a winner. This means so much to me. I was beginning to fear that my dream of studying in Japan was going to be postponed because I wasn't getting enough money. This scholarship means so much to me, I'm practically in tears at the moment.”
Jack Davies is due to study a Masters in International Relations at Zhejiang University from September 2013-2015. This is a highly rated Chinese university (known as the 'Cambridge' of China and regularly coming in the top 5 ranked) and is where he spent a 3 week Easter programme studying previously.
“I am extremely fortunate and thankful to have been awarded the Pacific Prime Scholarship. This financial support will make a huge difference to my time studying Mandarin at Zhejiang University in China. The scholarship topics (health, travel, diversity and education) will all play huge roles in my life over the coming year. There is no doubt each will play a role as I experience living in such a different culture from my own. I am hugely excited at the path that lays in front of me and one that thanks to Pacific Prime, will now be smoother.”