When it comes to moving to and becoming legally insured in the United States, there are a few major aspects that should be focused on. These include:
Family Situation: This takes into consideration a given family’s income, existing relatives in the United States, travel history, current insurance plans, expected length of stay in the US, and future travel plans.
Considerations: These include the costs of fines, company or university provided health insurance plans, specific benefits that are needed, eligibility for government subsidies for health insurance, and what plans cover outside of the United States.
MEC Compliance: This includes costs of MEC compliant plans versus global plans that are not MEC compliant and benefits related to MEC compliance.
Let’s examine a specific case of a family moving to the United States from abroad:
Family Situation
Family of four
Combined household income of $200,000
One child in high school and another in elementary school
History of frequent international travel
No employer provided insurance plan
Planning on being in the United States for many years
Plan to return to home country regularly
Annual cost of penalties for non-compliance = $3,250
Child in high school may be required to have an ACA compliant plan to attend university
Family requires outpatient care and wellness benefits
Family is not eligible for government subsidies
Comparable domestic plans only provide emergency care when abroad
MEC Compliance
Cost of MEC compliant plan is comparable to non-compliant international plan
Q: Is a Pacific Prime International Health Insurance plan right for this family?
A: Yes!
Looking at the particulars of the family in question, they are ideal candidates for Pacific Prime’s ACA compliant International Health Insurance plans. Not only will such a plan eliminate any penalties that may be incurred as a result of not being properly insured and eliminate the need for additional health insurance policies beyond the first, this family spends quite a bit of time outside of the US, so they will have comprehensive medical coverage no matter where in the world they find themselves.
If it seems like our ACA compliant International Health Insurance plans are right for you and your family too, submit your details using the form on the right side of this page in order to get more information on available plans and pricing. Get a free quote today!
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