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Cyprus Health Insurance

Looking for health insurance in Cyprus? Pacific Prime’s guide tells you everything you need to know about healthcare in Cyprus.

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Your guide to health insurance in Cyprus

Whether you are planning on visiting or are living in Cyprus, getting the right health insurance policy can help cover medical costs while you’re there. Pacific Prime can help you find the ideal plan for your needs and budget.

Click below to get a free quote or continue reading to find out more about health insurance in Cyprus. 

Recommended International Health Insurance Plans for Expatriates Living in Cyprus

Bupa Global International Private Health Insurance

  • Extensive Network of Providers
  • Direct Billing Options
  • 24/7 Medical Help via Global Virtual Care
  • Lifetime Renewal Options
  • Maximum Annual limit up to USD $4,764,300
Plan Details

Cigna Global Insurance Plan

  • Worldwide Coverage (excluding the US)
  • Access to Cigna’s trusted network of hospitals and doctors
  • Numerous Deductible Options
  • 24/7 Customer Support
  • 4 Core Insurance Plans
Plan Details

Overview of healthcare in Cyprus

The quality of healthcare in Cyprus is generally of an extremely high standard, as would be expected of a European Union member nation. Foreign nationals entering the country are not required to have any vaccinations or immunizations prior to arriving. Most of the country's medical professionals have trained outside of Cyprus; typically in the UK or USA, at some of the best schools. This means that they are able to provide extremely high-quality treatment. Hence, its healthcare is not only trusted by local residents but also foreign nationals who come for health reasons. 

For those wondering: is healthcare free in Cyprus? The majority of Cypriot healthcare services are provided by the government free of charge to eligible persons. Individuals covered under the Cypriot public healthcare service are government employees, households with more than three children, and households that fall within certain income brackets. 

Anyone working in Cyprus, regardless of how long they have been in the country or their nationality, must register with their district labor office for the Cypriot social insurance. After registering, an individual will then receive one of two Cyprus medical cards, which have their benefits based on a household's average yearly income.

Public vs. private services

Generally, the healthcare system in Cyprus is run as a mixture of both public and private services, with many individuals in the country opting to obtain private health insurance coverage. This is due to the fact that individuals who have a yearly income of more than EUR €37,590 have to pay for their medical treatment, and despite the extensive government regulations in place with regards to healthcare costs, treatment prices can often be more expensive than the average person can handle.

In addition to covering the costs of treatment at private medical facilities, medical insurance in Cyprus allows policyholders faster access to treatment at better hospitals than national insurance. This is key when the Cypriot healthcare scheme is closely examined. Despite the overall high levels of excellence associated with the public healthcare services, the long wait times and a large amount of fragmentation between the various government departments mean that the overall provision of services is lacking.

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Is the EHIC card valid in Cyprus? 

EU citizens residing in Cyprus for three months or less are eligible for free state healthcare with a valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). In Cyprus, the EHIC card is only valid for state-provided services, which means it won’t cover private hospitals or treatments. Conversely, EU citizens residing in the country permanently can get a Cyrpus medical card if they meet the requirements.

Non-EU citizens, on the contrary, cannot enjoy free healthcare and should take out private health insurance to access a wider variety of hospitals and facilities, and to skip the public sector's occasionally long waiting lists.

How to stay covered outside Cyprus

The only way to protect yourself anywhere in the world is with a quality international health insurance plan. Plans that we can provide are typically guaranteed renewable for life and globally portable, which gives you the assurance that no matter what happens, anywhere around the globe, you and your loved ones will always have access to the quality treatments that you deserve. 

Cyprus international health insurance that we can provide will usually afford you a number of additional coverage options, including benefits for outpatient treatment, dental and maternity coverage, alternative therapies, specialist consultations, complementary medicines, and emergency evacuation coverage.

How much is health insurance in Cyprus?

The cost of health insurance in Cyprus depends on several factors such as your health, age, and benefit requirements. To find out more about the average cost of health insurance for individuals and families across the globe, download our Cost of Health Insurance Report 2020-2021 for free.

Recommended International Health Insurance Plans for Expatriates Living in Cyprus

  • Extensive Network of Providers
  • Direct Billing Options
  • 24/7 Medical Help via Global Virtual Care
  • Lifetime Renewal Options
  • Maximum Annual limit up to USD $4,764,300
Plan Details
  • Worldwide Coverage (excluding the US)
  • Access to Cigna’s trusted network of hospitals and doctors
  • Numerous Deductible Options
  • 24/7 Customer Support
  • 4 Core Insurance Plans
Plan Details

How to find the best private health insurance in Cyprus

It is highly recommended that you should purchase comprehensive travel insurance or an international medical insurance plan if you plan to stay in Cyprus for a longer period of time. Since many treatments cannot be provided in the hospitals in Cyprus, it is advisable to take out an international health insurance plan which will cover your medical evacuation and hospitalization.

Pacific Prime is a one-stop insurance brokerage service provider for you when traveling to Cyprus. We offer a wide range of policies to meet your individual needs, including benefits such as dental, maternity, inpatient, outpatient, dental, specialist consultations, and many others. Similarly, we provide a large variety of healthcare plans from top health insurance companies, as well as comprehensive travel insurance plans. Contact our professional advisers today to enjoy full insurance protection for yourself and your family. 

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