Download your copy of our School Insurance guide

Schools face an inordinate amount of risk, certainly more than most other types of businesses. It would, therefore, make sense that school managers and HR teams would want to implement robust protection measures like insurance. With this guide, we set out to help you learn what types of coverage are right for your school and how to go about securing the best solutions.

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School insurance explained

This guide is written utilizing the experience of Pacific Prime's School Insurance team and covers the top solutions other private and international schools have secured; ones your school will also likely benefit from.

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Reliable answers to the most commonly asked school insurance questions

It is inevitable that when looking for a school insurance solution you will come up with a variety of questions. This guide has been prepared to address the top questions schools like yours ask when considering insurance. These include:

  • What exactly is ‘school insurance’?
  • What are the most essential policies that schools will need?
  • What additional policies should private and international schools consider?
  • What are the key steps involved in securing school insurance through a broker?

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Your questions answered in four sections

The process of finding, securing, and managing a school insurance solution is a full time job.
To help make this process easier from the start, our concise guide has been broken down into
four sections that set out to answer the above questions. The sections in this guide include:

    • What is school insurance?
    • What are the most common types of insurance for private and international schools?
    • Securing school insurance through a broker: Four key stages
    • How Pacific Prime can help

Learn more about Pacific Prime

With seven offices around the world, Pacific Prime is one of the largest health and corporate insurance brokers in Asia and the Middle East. Our dedicated team of School Insurance specialists have worked to secure and manage solutions for many of the top international schools in Asia and the Middle East. Visit our corporate website, or head over to our School Insurance page to learn more about the solutions we offer:

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