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Pacific Cross Insurance in Thailand: For Expats and Travelers

Pacific Cross Health Insurance is one of the top health insurance companies in Thailand with over 45 years in the industry, specializing in providing health insurances in Asia. Whether you’re an expat or a traveler moving to Thailand, Pacific Cross is a great option to stay insured.

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Deciding on which one of these top destinations for expats in Thailand to move to? This Pacific Prime Thailand article, we will take a look at Pacific Cross’ insurance policies and how they benefit expats and travelers.

Pacific Cross Health Insurance in Thailand for Expats

Daytime River Boat Ride in Thailand

Pacific Cross Health Insurance is one of the newest but most experienced insurance companies in Thailand. Although the brand was launched in 2014, the company first entered the market 45 years ago. Today, the company serves over 400,000 clients in Thailand and SEA!

Pacific Cross provides health insurance in 4 different plans, each with a “Plus Plan” alternative for those looking for a little more coverage, with the exception of the Standard Plan which also has a Standard Extra option.

What makes Pacific Cross a great option for expats and travelers is that their plans are cost-effective. You can stay within your budget yet still have access to a number of essential coverage to keep you insured in most situations.

All the health insurance plans offered by Pacific Cross have lifetime renewability, 24-hour worldwide emergency treatment coverage, COVID-19 coverage, and more! With a hospital network of over 450 hospitals, you can feel safe no matter where you go.

Pacific Cross Health Insurance Standard Plan

The Standard Plans are the most basic health insurance plan offered by Pacific Cross. The highlights of the Standard Plans is that they are extremely cost effective whilst still providing you with essential coverage.

If not having BDMS hospitals covered is a deal breaker for you, then be sure to secure the Standard Extra Plan as it is the only plan in the Standard option that has no hospital restrictions.

Benefits Standard

(THB ฿)

Standard Plus

(THB ฿)

Standard Extra

(THB ฿)

Maximum Benefit per Confinement 270,000 450,000 780,000
In-patient Benefits
Room and Board, and Medical Service Fees (in-patient) per

Confinement, maximum 45 days

2,000 per day 3,000 per day 4,000 per day
Intensive Care In-patient Unit, maximum 15 days 4,000 per day 6,000 per day 8,000 per day
Medical Expenses for Medical Examinations or Medical Treatment,

Blood and Blood Component Service Fees, Nursing Fees, Medicine Fees,

Parenteral Nutrition Fees and Medical Supplies Fees per Confinement

20,000 50,000 100,000
Medicine Fees and Medical Supplies 1 for Take Home Medicine, maximum 14 days 2,000 3,000 4,000
Physician’s Fees per Confinement, maximum 45 days 1,200 per day 1,700 per day 2,200 per day
Surgery and Procedure Fees per Confinement 20,000 50,000 100,000
Organ Replacement Surgery, Organ Transplant or Replacement of Liver,

Heart, Lung, Kidneys and Bone Marrow including Donor’s costs per Confinement

40,000 100,000 200,000
Major Surgery that does not require hospitalization (Day Surgery) 20,000 50,000 100,000

Pacific Cross Health Insurance Premier Plan

Hua Lamphong Station, Bangkok

The Premier Plan covers everything the Standard plans cover but with fewer limits. The Premier Plan has two options you can choose from, the basic Premier Plan and the Premier Plus Plan. The difference between the two lies within the limits.

With the Premier Plan, you have access to up to THB ฿1.2 million maximum benefit amount for in-patient per confinement. You will also have access to worldwide evacuation, THB ฿2,500 out-patient visits (up to 30 a year) as well as three visits per year for alternative therapy.

The Premier Plus plan will cover everything the basic Premier Plan covers with an increase of visits for alternative therapy from three visits per year to five. The Premier Plus will also have Maternity benefits built in.

Benefits Premier

(THB ฿)

Premier Plus

(THB ฿)

Maximum benefit amount for in-patient per Confinement 1,200,000 3,000,000
In-patient Benefits
Room and Board, and Medical Service Fees (in-patient) per Confinement 5,000 per day

(maximum 45 days)

Maximum 6,000 per day
Intensive Care In-patient Unit 10,000 per day

(maximum 15 days)

Maximum 12,000 per day
Medical Expenses for Medical Examinations or Medical Treatment,

Blood and Blood Component Service Fees, Nursing Fees, Medicine Fees,

Parenteral Nutrition Fees and Medical Supplies Fees per Confinement

200,000 300,000
Medicine Fees and Medical Supplies 1 for Take Home Medicine, maximum 14 days 5,000 6,000
Physician’s Fees (Doctor) per Confinement 2,700 per day (maximum 45 days) Paid in Full
Surgery and Procedure Fees per Confinement 200,000 Paid in Full
Organ Replacement Surgery, Organ Transplant or Replacement of Liver,

Heart, Lung, Kidneys and Bone Marrow including Donor’s costs per Confinement

400,000 Paid in Full
Major Surgery that does not require hospitalization (Day Surgery) 200,000 Paid in Full

Pacific Cross Health Insurance Maxima Plan

The Maxima Plan is one of Pacific Cross’ more comprehensive plans that has full coverage in most of what the Premier and Standard Plans cover on top of a significantly higher upper limit for maximum benefit amount for in-patient per confinement.

The base Maxima Plan has dental and maternity benefits built in. You will also have access to worldwide evacuations. Specialist fees and local ambulance services are covered in full with the Maxima Plan.

The Maxima Plus Plan doubles the maximum benefit amount for in-patient per confinement from up to THB ฿5 million to THB ฿10 million. Dental and Maternal benefits are also built in like the Maxima Plan. Specialist fees and local ambulance services will also be covered in full.

Benefits Maxima

(THB ฿)

Maxima Plus

(THB ฿)

Maximum benefit amount for in-patient per Confinement 5,000,000 10,000,000
In-patient Benefits
Room and Board, and Medical Service Fees (in-patient) per Confinement Maximum 8,000 per day Maximum 10,000 per day
Intensive Care In-patient Unit Paid in Full Paid in Full
Medical Expenses for Medical Examinations or Medical Treatment,

Blood and Blood Component Service Fees, Nursing Fees, Medicine Fees,

Parenteral Nutrition Fees and Medical Supplies Fees per Confinement

Paid in Full Paid in Full
Medicine Fees and Medical Supplies 1 for Take Home Medicine, maximum 14 days 8,000 10,000
Physician’s Fees per Confinement Paid in Full Paid in Full
Surgery and Procedure Fees per Confinement Paid in Full Paid in Full
Organ Replacement Surgery, Organ Transplant or Replacement of Liver,

Heart, Lung, Kidneys and Bone Marrow including Donor’s costs per Confinement

Paid in Full Paid in Full
Major Surgery that does not require hospitalization (Day Surgery) Paid in Full Paid in Full

Pacific Cross Health Insurance Ultima Plan

Like the Maxima Plans, the Ultima Plans THB ฿50 million maximum benefit amount for in-patient per confinement, you also get up to 10 visits per year for alternative therapy!


(THB ฿)


(THB ฿)

Maximum benefit amount for in-patient per Confinement 20,000,000 50,000,000
In-patient Benefits
Room and Board, and Medical Service Fees (in-patient) per Confinement 16,000

Maximum limit per day


Maximum limit per day

Intensive Care In-patient Unit Paid in Full Paid in Full
Medical Expenses for Medical Examinations or Medical Treatment, Blood and

Blood Component Service Fees, Nursing Fees, Medicine Fees, Parenteral

Nutrition Fees and Medical Supplies Fees per Confinement

Paid in Full Paid in Full
Medicine Fees and Medical Supplies 1 for Take Home Medicine, maximum 14 days 16,000 18,000
Physician’s Fees per Confinement Paid in Full Paid in Full
Surgery and Procedure Fees per Confinement Paid in Full Paid in Full
Organ Replacement Surgery, Organ Transplant or Replacement of Liver,

Heart, Lung, Kidneys and Bone Marrow including Donor’s costs per Confinement

Paid in Full Paid in Full
Major Surgery that does not require hospitalization (Day Surgery) Paid in Full Paid in Full

Pacific Cross Travel Insurance In Thailand For Travelers

Like their health insurance plans, Pacific Cross’ travel insurance plans in Thailand are cost-effective options that provide peace of mind. Their travel insurance plans are Schengen-coverage-approved and gives you access to 24-hour worldwide emergency assistance and hospital cash allowance.

Insurance Agents vs Brokers

Ao Nang, Thailand Coastal Beauty

When securing an insurance policy, there are generally two ways to do it, through an agent or through a broker like Pacific Prime. The main difference between the two is that an agent represents an insurance company and a broker represents you.

Whilst the outcome of both methods ultimately ends with you securing an insurance plan, the experience and after services can vary greatly between the two. To help you understand the differences, here are some of the key points in which an agent and a broker differ and how they affect you.

Who They Represent

One of the biggest differences between an Agent and broker is who they represent. An agent typically represents an insurance company or a specific insurance policy under an insurance company. On the other hand, an insurance broker represents you.

What this means is that whilst both will provide you with different insurance options, a broker will put your needs above the needs of the insurance company, ensuring that the options you are given fits your specifications and your budget range.

Your Options

As mentioned earlier, an agent typically represents an insurance company or a specific insurance policy provided by an insurance company. As such, the options you are presented with when you secure a policy through an agent will just be from one specific company.

When you go through a broker to secure a policy, the options you are provided with will come from a number of different companies that are available to you due to the fact that brokers are partnered with different insurance companies.

What this means is that whilst going through an agent will give you a great selection of policies from a single company, a broker will be able to provide you with a number of different policies from different companies that best fit what you want within your budget range.

Their Goals

The goal of an agent is to ultimately get you to secure an insurance policy from the insurance company they represent. The goal of a broker is to help you secure an insurance policy that best suits what you want covered whilst still staying within your budget range.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does health insurance cost in Thailand for expats?

In Thailand, a health insurance plan costs USD $4,695 for individual plans and $11,683 for family plans. If you’d like to learn more about health insurance premiums in Thailand and the rest of the world, feel free to download our latest Cost of International Health Insurance Report 2024.

How is the quality of healthcare in Thailand?

In larger cities like Bangkok, the healthcare system is considered to be at a world-class standard. Among the hospitals in Bangkok, the Bumrungrad International Hospital is also considered one of top hospitals in Asia.

Is health insurance necessary for expats in Thailand?

Health insurance is vital for any expat working in a foreign country, Thailand is no exception. Making sure that you are sufficiently insured during your stay in Thailand will not only benefit you in cases of emergencies but also give you access to some of the top hospitals in the country.

What are some common health issues in Thailand?

Some common health issues in Thailand include respiratory viruses such as the bird flu, COVID-19, and seasonal influenza. There is also a risk of mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue, chikungunya, zika, or Japanese encephalitis.

How to avoid getting sick in Thailand?

Some ways to prevent common diseases in Thailand include wearing a mask while outdoors so you don’t breathe in unhealthy polluted air, avoiding undercooked food and contaminated water in favor of bottled water and freshly-made meals, and keeping your house well locked to prevent mosquito entries.

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To summarize what we have covered in this article, whilst Pacific Cross may appear to be a fairly new player in the insurance market, they actually have over 45 years of experience in providing cost effective health insurance policies without compromising on the quality of coverage.

The key thing to highlight with Pacific Cross’ health insurance policies is that with just the Standard Extra Plan, you have an incredibly cost effective plan that gives you access to BDMS hospitals, some of the top hospitals in Thailand!

Pacific Prime Thailand partners with top insurers across Thailand including Pacific Cross! We can help guide you through the complicated processes to help you find the best plans that fit your needs and budget. Contact us today for a free quote.

Content Creator at Pacific Prime
Vista is a content creator at Pacific Prime. With over 8 years of writing experience for online platforms on various topics such as luxury lifestyle and digital entertainment. He enjoys diving into complex and otherwise confusing topics, and creating easy-to-understand content for the readers to help them navigate through the topic - something that’s perfectly aligned with Pacific Prime’s motto of ‘simplifying insurance’.

Born and raised in the cultural melting pot that is Hong Kong, and having studied at an international school, Vista has developed a multicultural perspective that he uses in his writing and strives to connect to people of different backgrounds.

In his free time, Vista enjoys immersing himself in different worlds, from video games to light novels and movies. His hobbies help him expand his writing style by putting himself in the point-of-view of different people and characters.
Vista Nip