Expat Maternity Insurance Claims: A Guide to Navigating the Claims Process While Living Abroad

For expats starting a family abroad, understanding how to file maternity insurance claims abroad is crucial to avoiding unnecessary out-of-pocket payments. You need to understand what services require pre-certifications and pre-authorizations so they can be claimed when you begin the claims process. Are you an expat family expecting a new family member? Are you looking …

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Considering Home Births: Legal and Cultural Implications for Expats Giving Birth Abroad

Expats considering homebirths should take the time to understand the legal and cultural implications, such as different cultural birth practices in their host country. Without proper maternity health insurance, this may hinder your quality of life as an expat. But homebirths may be an alternative! Are you an expecting mother living abroad? Are you wondering …

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Canadian Health Insurance: Understanding Your Options

All Canadians can use hospital and physician services for free under the publicly funded public healthcare system. However, to gain access to more prescription, specialized treatment, dental, and eyecare services, private health insurance is necessary.  While this is a personal choice, expatriates are recommended to take out private health insurance to ensure comprehensive coverage of …

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